
My top 20 favourite quotes from "The Wise Man's Fear" - Kingkiller Chronicles Book 2

                                   Image credits -  "All the truth in the world is held in stories, you know." - Patrick Rothfuss Stories are the best medium to convey truths. They say ' Truth is bitter '. They are right. Well, stories are a cup full of sugar. People easily relate to stories. We can empathize with a protagonists' inner turmoil, struggle, and reactions to what experiences the world throws at him/her, more than we can with cold, dry truths, conveyed distantly. Thus, the bitterness of truths is almost neutralized when we pass them through the "cup full of sugar" that stories are!  One of the best stories that I've read till now, is The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. The book in consideration here is " The Wise Man's Fear ", which is the second book in the " UNFINISHED '' (looking at you, Patrick James Rothfuss ! 😒) trilogy. Although the fi